#Windows Security #Reconnaissance #RPC
Recon of RPC
Anonymous connection
Anonymous RPC connection means no username and no password provided. Unauthenticated connection to RPC is possible (documentation), but the amount of information we can collect this way is limited. Anonymous connection can be disabled.
# Connect anonymously
rpcclient -U "%" $ip
Authenticated connection
# Connect with credentials
rpcclient -U "$domain\\$user%$pass" $ip
> ? # List all commands
> srvinfo # Server info
> enumdomusers # Enum users
> enumdomgroups # Enum groups
> enumdomains # Enum domains
> netshareenumall # Enum SMB shares
> queryuser <username> # Get detailed user's info
> lookupnames <username> # Get SID of user
> querygroup <group_rid> # Get group info
> enumprivs # Enum current users' privileges
> getusername # Get current username
More useful commands can be found here: HackingArticles.in, Active Directory Enumeration: RPCClient.
Automated enumeration
# Enumerate with SMB, RPC and NetBIOS
enum4linux-ng -A $ip
enum4linux-ng -A $ip -u $user -p $pass
Via TPC ports (ncacn_ip_tcp
# Enumerate RPC interfaces accessible via TCP
> use auxiliary/scanner/dcerpc/tcp_dcerpc_auditor
Via named pipes (ncacn_np
# Enumerate named pipes available via SMB
> use auxiliary/scanner/smb/pipe_auditor
# Enumerate RPC interfaces accesible via named pipe
> use auxiliary/scanner/smb/pipe_dcerpc_auditor