There are two options of authentication settings possible to set in SQL Server:
Windows Authentication
Windows Authentication + SQL Server Authentication (mixed)
SQL Server Authentication involves setting up a classic login and password for the user's DB. During setup the default sa account is created and password must be set. The explicitly provided user’s credentials are validated through the information stored in the master database. It's way more limited than Windows Authentication and it's not recommended approach.
In Windows authentication, the user should first authenticate himself within AD domain. SQL Server authenticates users through the Windows security token. It doesn't require to provide credentials explicitly. Windows Authentication is the default authentication method when an SQL Server is installed.
Windows (PowerUpSQL module):
After connecting to MSSQL Server, we are able to execute SQL Queries. This often involves the ability to execute code on the system. Full list of further exploitation here.
NOTE: It might be worth to check different domain credentials to verify which account has access to MSSQL Server.
Windows (PowerUpSQL module):
Basic queries
Security checks
Command Exection
Functions like xp_cmdshell are disabled in Microsoft SQL Server by default. If a user has appropriate permission, it can enable these features.
Linked servers
Any user regardless of their privilege level is allowed to use the preconfigured database links.